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Post by vrapp » Tue Apr 06, 2004 12:39 pm

When I'm checking out a project in VB.Net, the length of the field "comments" is only about 50 characters. Usually, I write there notes about the changes, and 50 characters is certainly not enough. Why is it so small? is there a way to increase the size?
Vadim Rapp

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Post by lbauer » Wed Apr 07, 2004 12:47 pm

I was able to reproduce this in Vault, but saw the same behavior in IDE integration with Visual SourceSafe. So it must be a bug or other limitation in the IDE apart from Vault.

The interesting thing is that this is only for the Checkout comments. The field allows many more characters for Checkin comments, so you may want to write your changes on Checkin.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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