SOS client crash on file list refresh

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Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:53 am

SOS client crash on file list refresh

Post by dev731 » Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:12 am

sos 4.2.x pro

IDE is already started, go to project X, open sos, go to folder X, switch to IDE and delete some file(full removal, not local only), then switch back to sos

exception at 004666c4, hth

Code: Select all

004666AD  int         3    
004666AE  int         3    
004666AF  int         3    
004666B0  push        ebp  
004666B1  mov         ebp,esp 
004666B3  push        edi  
004666B4  push        esi  
004666B5  push        ebx  
004666B6  mov         esi,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] 
004666B9  mov         edi,dword ptr [ebp+8] 
004666BC  mov         al,0FFh 
004666BE  mov         edi,edi 
004666C0  or          al,al 
004666C2  je          004666F6 
004666C4  mov         al,byte ptr [esi] 
004666C6  add         esi,1 
004666C9  mov         ah,byte ptr [edi] 
004666CB  add         edi,1 
004666CE  cmp         ah,al 
004666D0  je          004666C0 
004666D2  sub         al,41h 
004666D4  cmp         al,1Ah 
004666D6  sbb         cl,cl 
004666D8  and         cl,20h 
004666DB  add         al,cl 
004666DD  add         al,41h 
004666DF  xchg        ah,al 
004666E1  sub         al,41h 
004666E3  cmp         al,1Ah 
004666E5  sbb         cl,cl

Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Re: SOS client crash on file list refresh

Post by lbauer » Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:01 am

We don't recommend having both the SOS Client and Visual Studio open at the same time under the same login. They both use the same cache file and both writing to the cache file at the same time can cause corrupton of the cache, which could be causing this crash. We're making some changes to SOS 5.0 that will address this problem.

Does the client crash when you use it without Visual Studio being open?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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