Manually uninstalling the server

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Manually uninstalling the server

Post by dan » Wed Feb 25, 2004 8:36 am

If a server install fails, sometimes subsequent attempts to install will also fail. The message ""The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation", means the machine thinks Vault is installed.

If an automated uninstall doesn't work, you will need to manually uninstall it. Follow the steps below:

1. Delete the IIS virtual directory: VaultService
2. Delete C;\Inetpub\wwwroot\Vaultservice
3. Delete C:\Program Files\SourceGear\ (if the folder exists.)
4. Open regedit and look for the following key


See if there is an entry there for SourceGear, Vault, or anything of the sort. This is one entry to look for: {C83BE871-FDDA-4DE4-9DAF-0B831411ABB0}

If so, just remove that entire folder from the Uninstall registry folder, and then try to install Vault.

5. It would be good then to run the Windows Installer Clean-up Utility.

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