FailDBFault on History

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FailDBFault on History

Post by Lane » Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:51 am

I've seen a few other posts on this subject, but nothing very recent, and fixes seem to have been applied to older versions.

When we run History on a folder, we get "A database error has occured (FailDBFault)." However, if we remove "Branch" from the selections in the Actions tab, the query succeeds. This happens in repositories where there is no branch history. I can successfully run a history with only "Branch" selected, and no results come back.

I have told the users to avoid doing a History with "Branch" selected, but it's easy to forget, and then the app just hangs while it chugs away and finally returns the error message.

Is there a way to change the default selections in the Actions tab to just a handful of the most important fields?

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Post by Beth » Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:17 am

On changing the default actions selected, would using History favorites solve what you are looking for? While one is setting up the history query they want, they can save it in favorites. I'm using the current version for this example here, so if you are not on the current version, then it will depend on what version you are on.

Just saving the default actions to what one sets them as for all queries would have to go in as a feature request, which I can do, but check out history favorites if you can.

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Joined: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:58 am

Post by Lane » Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:27 pm

Thanks, that sounds like a good workaround.
