Feature Request - Import Email into Issue Ticket

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Feature Request - Import Email into Issue Ticket

Post by Ocean10000 » Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:09 pm

I am not sure how others receive items bug reports. But 90% of mine come in via email either from clients or employees sending me what they think is a bug or problem, or a change/update feature request.

I am looking for an easier less time consuming way to import from outlook email into Fortress issue. Using the email subject line as the Initial Description and the email body as the details. This is just to start the bug ticket with all the supplied information which I can finish filling out.

And use any associated email categories currently attached, to be converted to tags would be a bonus.

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Post by mskrobul » Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:01 pm

Adding items via email is already on our list of feature requests. I will had your vote.

Many of our users have written their own program to parse email and add items to Fortress using either the WebService or the Fortress API. For Fortress, we recommend using the API for programming any additional functionality. Pretty much all of the item tracking functionality can be performed with the API.

Here is a link that contains some API code examples:

Mary Jo Skrobul

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