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Re: Security

Post by jeremy_sg » Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:57 am

For documentation on Folder security, see: ... rights.htm

I would recommend the following setup.

1. Put all of your outsourced employees in a global group (In the admin web client's Server Settings->Groups page).

2. For each repository that you don't want them to have access to, set the Repository Access for that repository to None for the outsourced group. This means they won't even be able to see that these repositories exist.

3. For the one repository that you wish for them to access, make sure that the Repository Access is set to Access.

4. Enable Folder security for the one repository you wish them to access.

5. Apply a Folder security of None for the outsourced group to the $/ folder in the repository. (This will remove their access to any folders that you don't specifically allow.)

6. Apply a Folder Security of RCA (or whatever access level you want them to have) to the $/outsourcedProject. They will now only have access to the one folder in the repository and its children.
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