Admin Delete Shelveset

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Admin Delete Shelveset

Post by lansmank » Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:55 am

Is it possible in the Vault Client to delete a shelveset that you are not the owner of, if your login is an administrative one?

We're trying to use the system in the following way: Junior developer writes some code on 1 to x number of classes per manager's instructions. Junior developer creates a shelveset and informs the manager of the changes in the shelveset. The junior developer does an undo checkout at this time so that the code is not incorporated into the active project. The manager goes to the shelveset and validates all of the code in the shelveset and then unshelves it into the active project. The manager should then be able to delete the shelveset without having to tell the junior developer to do it as the code has now been verified and incorporated and the shelveset is no longer needed.

I hope my scenario is clear enough to understand. I know the shelveset thing is still a pretty fresh product, but I would like to throw this situation at you to see what your thoughts are.

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Re: Admin Delete Shelveset

Post by Beth » Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:38 pm

In the Vault client, one can't delete shelvesets that are not their own, even if their login has admin level privileges. That can be done inside the web client though.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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