checkout or get latest version not working in

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checkout or get latest version not working in

Post by cmccarrick » Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:34 pm

When I try to get the latest version of a file that is in the server that has been modified by someone else it keeps failing. When I look at my local copy it is the old file. When I do a dif on the file, I can see the changes properly on the server, but when I try to checkout the file, the file on my local machine always stays the same (the old version). The dialog boxes appear stating the options that I have: replace, nothing, merge. I have tried using each of them, but the result stays the same. it does not even error out. I have also tried to check out the file through the client, but then it seems to call anyway and it still does not work. I am completely frustrated and do not know how to proceed.


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Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2004 7:39 pm

Post by cmccarrick » Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:40 pm


If I do an get latest version from it and choose replace, it says that the get latest version operation failed ...filename... automatic merge failed.

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Post by jeremy_sg » Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:42 pm


First, let's try to narrow this down through the Vault GUI client.

1. Start with a brand new working folder where you've never done any Get operations.

2. Open up a Show History window for a file and Get an old version it. The file should now have status Old in the Vault GUI client.

3. Do a get latest operation on that file. Did its status change to blank?

For more on what the get latest options should be doing, look at

For more on file statuses look at

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