Item promotion using API

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Item promotion using API

Post by Igor.Samoylenko » Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:01 am


Can you give me a code sample on how to promote an item in a label via API please?




Post by shannon » Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:40 am

This example assumes you have the label name and path, the paths of the items you want to alter, and the desired version number (if you're trying to change a version). You can skip the parts that find the various version ids, etc if you have gotten that info some other way.

Let me know if anything is unclear.

Code: Select all

            string url = "http://VaultServer/VaultService";
            string username = "user";
            string password = "password";
            string repository = "Your Repository";

            // Set the login options and login/connect to a repository.
            ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.URL = url;
            ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.User = username;
            ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.Password = password;
            ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.Repository = repository;

            string labelName = "label1";
            string labelPath = "$/SomeJavaProject";

            // get the objID for the label
            long objID = RepositoryUtil.FindVaultTreeObjectAtReposOrLocalPath(labelPath).ID;

            string qryToken;
            long rowsRetMain;
            long rowsRetRecur;
            long maxRows = 200;

            ServerOperations.client.ClientInstance.BeginLabelQuery(labelPath, objID, false, false, false, false, maxRows, out rowsRetMain, out rowsRetRecur, out qryToken);

            VaultLabelItemX[] labelItems;

            ServerOperations.client.ClientInstance.GetLabelQueryItems_Main(qryToken, 0, (int) rowsRetMain, out labelItems);

            long labelID = 0;
            VaultDateTime lastChanged = new VaultDateTime();

            // find the right label to get the id
            foreach (VaultLabelItemX item in labelItems)
                if (item.Name.Equals(labelName))
                    labelID = item.LabelID;
                    lastChanged = item.LastChange;

            VaultClientFile file = RepositoryUtil.FindVaultFileAtReposOrLocalPath("$/SomeJavaProject/a/");

            VaultObjectVersionInfo[] versions = null;
            ServerOperations.client.ClientInstance.GetObjectVersionList(file.ID, ref versions, false);

            long objVerID = 0;
            foreach (VaultObjectVersionInfo v in versions)
                if (v.Version == 4)
                    objVerID = v.ObjVerID;

            VaultLabelPromotionItem pItemChangeVersion = new VaultLabelPromotionItem("SomeJavaProject/a/", file.ID, 4, objVerID, VaultLabelPromotionChangeType.Modify);

            file = RepositoryUtil.FindVaultFileAtReposOrLocalPath("$/SomeJavaProject/b/.project");
            VaultLabelPromotionItem pItemAdd = new VaultLabelPromotionItem("SomeJavaProject/b/.project", file.ID, file.Version, file.ObjVerID, VaultLabelPromotionChangeType.Add);

            file = RepositoryUtil.FindVaultFileAtReposOrLocalPath("$/SomeJavaProject/a/");
            VaultLabelPromotionItem pItemDelete = new VaultLabelPromotionItem("SomeJavaProject/a/", file.ID, file.Version, file.ObjVerID, VaultLabelPromotionChangeType.Delete);

            VaultLabelPromotionItem[] promotionItems = new VaultLabelPromotionItem[] { pItemChangeVersion, pItemAdd, pItemDelete };
            int indexFailed;
            string rootPathConfl;

            int ret = ServerOperations.client.ClientInstance.PromoteLabelItems(labelPath, labelID, labelName, ref lastChanged, promotionItems, out indexFailed, out rootPathConfl);

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