Vault API sometimes returns GetLatestVersionFailedException

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Vault API sometimes returns GetLatestVersionFailedException

Post by HansWijntjes » Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:32 am

Vault version:


The last few weeks our daily build sometimes fails while returning the error GetLatestVersionFailedException.
I have looked at other posts, but could not find out why this happens.
I raised the log level to the server to debug, and tried until I got an error.
The only thing in the log which I could find is this line:
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled FailExistingDownload
We recently went from V4 to V5.

Here is the last part of the log file:
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetLatestRepositoryInfo finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled TreeManager: cache matches repository revision and folder security hasn't changed. Returning cached tree, revID 20614
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: FindVersionsByCRCs started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: FindVersionsByCRCs finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled FindVersionsByCRCs returned: Success
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled ASMX: FindVersionsByCRCs finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled ASMX: GetObjectVersionList started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetObjectVersionList started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: DoGetObjectVersionList started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: DoGetObjectVersionList finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetObjectVersionList finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled GetObjectVersionList returned: Success
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled ASMX: GetObjectVersionList finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled Beginning file download
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled ASMX: BeginDownloadFiles started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetUserRepositoryLastChange started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetUserRepositoryLastChange finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetLatestRepositoryInfo started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetLatestRepositoryInfo finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled TreeManager: cache matches repository revision and folder security hasn't changed. Returning cached tree, revID 20614
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetUserSecurityRights started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetUserSecurityRights finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetObjVerID started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetObjVerID finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetFileInfo started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetFileInfo finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled VaultLib.VaultRequestGetFile returned: SuccessRequireFileDownload
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled BeginDownloadFiles returned: Success
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled ASMX: BeginDownloadFiles finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled VaultFileDownload starting
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled Downloading delta for $/xxxx/yyyy.dfm from 0 to 228954
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetDeltaChainForFullFile started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled DB: GetDeltaChainForFullFile finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled GetLatest wrote 2550 bytes to the Response Stream
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled Beginning file download
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled ASMX: BeginDownloadFiles started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:41 HW-xxx( Disabled FailExistingDownload
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 HW-xxx( Disabled Ending download process
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 HW-xxx( Disabled ASMX: EndDownloadFiles started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 HW-xxx( Disabled EndDownloadProcess returned: Success
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 HW-xxx( Disabled ASMX: EndDownloadFiles finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 HW-xxx( Disabled ASMX: Logout started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 HW-xxx( Disabled Logout
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 HW-xxx( Disabled ASMX: Logout finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 --()-- Beginning SQL transaction 11003842
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 --()-- DB: DeleteSession started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 --()-- DB: DeleteSession finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 --()-- SQL transaction 11003842 successfully committed.
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 --()-- Beginning SQL transaction 4488976
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 --()-- DB: DeleteSession started.
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 --()-- DB: DeleteSession finished.
----2-9-2010 8:09:42 --()-- SQL transaction 4488976 successfully committed.

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Location: SourceGear

Re: Vault API sometimes returns GetLatestVersionFailedException

Post by lbauer » Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:21 am

It looks like the API wasn't able to get a file.

It would be helpful to have the Vault Server log that corresponds to the time of this failure. It's called sgvault.log and is in %windir%\temp\sgvault on the server machine. Let me know what Vault user account is used for your builds so I can spot those transactions in the log. Send the log zipped up to support at, Attn: Linda. Please include a link to this forum post.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:15 am

Re: Vault API sometimes returns GetLatestVersionFailedException

Post by HansWijntjes » Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:41 am

The log is sent as requested but it seams the problem is for now resolved.

The solution was to empty the cache folder from the Client which experienced the problem.
The location of the cache folder was found at the following location:
Main Menu: Tools -> Options -> Local Files -> Cache Location

Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Re: Vault API sometimes returns GetLatestVersionFailedException

Post by lbauer » Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:05 am

Thanks for the update. An out of sync cache file can cause errors like this.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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