Vault Client Loses Track of Changes

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Vault Client Loses Track of Changes

Post by tbreyman » Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:50 pm

During our Vault implementation I have noticed that sometimes the Vault Client appears to lose track of large batches of changes. The scenario is as follows ...

- I made a large number of changes (over 300) to the various folders in the folder tree. Most changes included modifying files and adding new files.
- I committed the changes to the Vault server.
- The Vault Client showed no outstanding changes.
- I noticed that the Shadow Folders were missing a number of the changes. As a result, I restarted the Vault Client.
- When the Vault Client started, the changes that didn't appear to go through the first time showed up in the Pending Changes window.
- I committed the remaining changes (which all posted fine).

While I am glad that the changes weren't lost, I was unhappy that all of the changes weren't committed atomically and that there was no visual indication that something was wrong.

Vault 2.0.5
Windows XP Professional Client
Windows 2003 Server

Todd Breyman
SunGard Insurance Systems

Posts: 2448
Joined: Wed Dec 17, 2003 5:03 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by dan » Wed Aug 25, 2004 7:30 am

This might be explained if not all the changes in the first set were actually in the change set when you did the first commit. There is a problem with the change set in the current release where if a file system event on a changed file doesn't fire correctly (which Vault uses to determine when a file has changed), then the change doesn't make it into the change set until the next working folder scan, which happens when Vault is restarted.

If the changes that were missed were file mods (instead of file adds) and if you don't check out the files before modifying them, this can happen on occasion. We plan to address this in the 2.1 release, but until then, the safest thing to do is either check out the files, or re-invoke the Vault client before checking files in.

Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Jul 22, 2004 9:05 am

Post by tbreyman » Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:38 pm


Thanks for the feedback. My guess is that the notification probably got stepped on somewhere along the line. By the way, is there an ETA for 2.1?

