Code: Select all
//Note: Make sure you have updated API files in your build path. If you don't you will receive errors.
import VaultClientIntegrationLib.DateSortOption;
import VaultClientIntegrationLib.FortressItemExpanded;
import VaultClientIntegrationLib.GetOperations;
import VaultClientIntegrationLib.GetOptions;
import VaultClientIntegrationLib.ItemTrackingOperations;
import VaultClientIntegrationLib.ServerOperations;
import VaultClientIntegrationLib.UnchangedHandler;
import system.IO.TextWriter;
import system.Xml.XmlTextWriter;
import MantisLib.MantisItemExpanded;
import VaultClientIntegrationLib.*;
import VaultClientOperationsLib.*;
import VaultLib.*;
public class JavaAPIExamples {
void BasicSourceControl()
String url = "";
String username = "guest5";
String password = "guest5";
String repository = "Initial Repository";
// Set the login options and login/connect to a repository.
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.URL = url;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.User = username;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.Password = password;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.Repository = repository;
//Create a folder.
String pathToANewFolder = "$/path/to/a/newFolder";
//Add two files to the new folder.
String pathToFile1 = "c:/path/to/a/file";
String pathToFile2 = "c:/path/to/another/file";
String folderToAddItemsTo = "$/path/to/a/folder/";
ServerOperations.client.AutoCommit = true;
ServerOperations.ProcessCommandAdd(folderToAddItemsTo, new String[] { pathToFile1, pathToFile2 });
// Set the login options and login/connect to a repository.
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.URL = url;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.User = username;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.Password = password;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.Repository = repository;
// Set a working folder.
String repositoryFolderPath = "$/path/to/a/repository/folder/";
String diskPath = "c:/path/to/a/working/folder/";
boolean bCreateDiskPath = true;
ServerOperations.SetWorkingFolder(repositoryFolderPath, diskPath, bCreateDiskPath);
// Do a get on the working folder.
GetOptions getOptions = new GetOptions();
getOptions.Recursive = true;
GetOperations.ProcessCommandGet(new String[] { diskPath }, getOptions);
// Exclusively check out a file.
getOptions = new GetOptions();
String filePath = "$/path/to/a/file";
boolean bExclusive = true;
boolean bGetLatest = true;
ServerOperations.ProcessCommandCheckout(new String[] { filePath }, bExclusive, bGetLatest, getOptions);
// coList is a list of all the check outs. Output it in any preferrred manner.
VaultClientCheckOutList coList = ServerOperations.ProcessCommandListCheckOuts();
// Check in the file we just checked out, set the unchanged handler to check in the item (the default unchanged op is Undo Checkout).
boolean bKeepCheckedOut = false;
ServerOperations.ProcessCommandCheckIn(new String[] { filePath }, UnchangedHandler.Checkin, bKeepCheckedOut, LocalCopyType.Leave);
//Query the file history so we can view the check in.
boolean bRecursive = false;
int beginVersion = -1;
int endVersion = -1;
VaultHistoryItem[] items = ServerOperations.ProcessCommandHistory(filePath, bRecursive, DateSortOption.desc, null, null, VaultDate.EmptyDate().toString(), VaultDate.EmptyDate().toString(), null, null, beginVersion, endVersion, 10);
//Now you can output the items in your preferred manner.
public static void WildcardTasks()
String url = "http://VaultServer/VaultService";
String username = "username";
String password = "password";
String repository = "Your Repository";
// Set the login options and login/connect to a repository.
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.URL = url;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.User = username;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.Password = password;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.Repository = repository;
ServerOperations.client.AutoCommit = true;
// add some files to use with wildcard tasks
String pathToFile1 = "c:/path/to/wildcard1.txt";
String pathToFile2 = "c:/path/to/wildcard2.txt";
String pathToFile3 = "c:/path/to/wildcardWithLetters.txt";
String folderPath = "$/a/folder/";
ServerOperations.ProcessCommandAdd(folderPath, new String[] { pathToFile1, pathToFile2, pathToFile3 });
// get all three wildcards to a nonworking folder
String wildcardStr = "wildcard*.txt";
GetOptions getOptions = new GetOptions();
String nonworkingFolderPath = "c:/path/to/nonworkingFolderForWildcards/";
GetOperations.ProcessCommandGetWildcardToNonWorkingFolder(folderPath, new String[] { wildcardStr }, getOptions, nonworkingFolderPath);
// get wildcard1.txt and wildcard2.txt to a working folder
wildcardStr = "wildcard?.txt";
String workingFolderPath = "c:/path/to/aWorkingFolder/";
GetOperations.ProcessCommandGetWildcard(workingFolderPath, new String[] {wildcardStr}, getOptions);
public static void LabelTasks()
String url = "http://VaultServer/VaultService";
String username = "username";
String password = "password";
String repository = "Your Repository";
// Set the login options and login/connect to a repository.
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.URL = url;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.User = username;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.Password = password;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.Repository = repository;
ServerOperations.client.AutoCommit = true;
// Label the current version of a folder
String objectPath = "$/path/to/a/folderToLabel/";
String labelName = "LabeledFolder";
long versionID = -1; //pass -1 to get the current version
ServerOperations.ProcessCommandLabel(objectPath, labelName, versionID);
// Get label to a location on disk
GetOptions getOptions = new GetOptions();
String destPath = "c:/path/to/labeledFolder/";
GetOperations.ProcessCommandGetLabelToLocationOutsideWorkingFolder(objectPath, labelName, null, getOptions, destPath);
public static void AddFortressItem()
String url = "http://FortressServer/VaultService";
String username = "username";
String password = "password";
// Set the login options and login/connect to a repository.
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.URL = url;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.User = username;
ServerOperations.client.LoginOptions.Password = password;
// List the open fortress items
String projectName = "aProject";
MantisItemExpanded[] openItems = ItemTrackingOperations.ProcessCommandListOpenFortressItems(projectName);
//Now you can output the openItems in your preferred manner.
// Make a new fortress item
FortressItemExpanded newItem = new FortressItemExpanded();
newItem.ProjectName = projectName;
newItem.Description = "A new item.";
newItem.Details = "Some details about the new item.";
newItem.Status = "Open";
newItem.Assignee = "someUser";
newItem.Resolver = "anotherUser";
newItem.Platform = "Unknown";
newItem.ItemType = "Bug";
newItem.TimeEstimate = "Unknown";
newItem.Priority = "Low";
newItem.Validate(); // Call Validate after setting all your Strings for your item and before you pass the item to a method.
// Add the new item
// List the open fortress items again
openItems = ItemTrackingOperations.ProcessCommandListOpenFortressItems(projectName);
//Now you can output the items in your preferred manner.