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ProcessCommandShare Difficulties

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:40 pm
by rsprenkle
I have a method that iterates through a repository tree structure and creates a VaultClientFileColl of all the objects I want to share (and eventually pin) in a versioned tree structure in the same repository.

ex: share $/Project/A/foo.c to $/Versions/Project_1.2.3.4/A/foo.c

The idea is to merely loop through the File collection and create a target path by replacing $/Project with $/Versions/Project_1.2.3.4.

At first, I read the documentation, and it says that the target folder must exist, so I modified my code to do this. Everything OK so far. However, it still fails on the on ProcessCommand with the following exception:

No object was found at the repository path: $/Versions/Simulator_1.1.1.10/SimLogWindow/SimLogWindow.csproj

Here's the exact code:Note:
SourcePath = $/SimulatorTip/SimLogWindow/SimLogWindow.csproj <Confirmed that this exists>
TargetPath = "$/Versions/Simulator_1.1.1.10/SimLogWindow/SimLogWindow.csproj"
RepoPath $/Versions/Simulator_1.1.1.10/SimLogWindow <as pasted from client to make sure no typo>

I can get this call to work on a folder, but not a file. I can do this manually, but not with the API currently...
I attached a png of our Vault Client so you can see the source / target exist

foreach (VaultClientFile file in files)
string SourcePath = file.FullPath ;
string TargetPath = SourcePath.Replace(Source,Target);

ServerOperations.ProcessCommandShare(SourcePath,TargetPath); //exception thrown here

Re: ProcessCommandShare Difficulties

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:15 am
by paulroub
ProcessCommandShare expects the target to be a folder.

So in your case, it looks like the code should be:

Code: Select all

  // assuming Target contains $/Versions/Simulator_1.1.1.10/SimLogWindow/

  string SourcePath = file.FullPath ;
  string TargetPath = SourcePath.Replace(Source,Target);

Think of it as "Share into", not "Share as".