Get Label on folder doesn't do anything

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Get Label on folder doesn't do anything

Post by breischl » Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:33 am

I'm trying to label a folder so I can get it back later, but the Get Label doesn't seem to do anything. As a test I labelled a folder "TESTLABEL", which contained a file at version 2. Then I made a change, so the file was up to version 3.

When I go to the folder, do rightclick -> Show Labels -> Get..., the messages pane says "Getting Latest" (which seems odd, shouldn't it be Getting Label??). Then it doesn't update anything -- the file remains at version 3, instead of being put back to version 2. I made sure to check "recursive" in the Get box, and made sure the working folder is the same as always. Am I missing something here?

Just for fun, I put the file back to version 1 and then tried to get the label. It left the file at version 1, instead of upgrading to version 2 as I would expect.

I also looked at the file individually, and it is labelled at the correct version. If I do a Get Label on the individual file it works as expected, but that's not very helpful when I'm trying to label an entire project with hundreds of files.

This is all being done on one machine, through the Windows GUI. Client and server are both v3.1.6.3658.

Thanks in advance,

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