Tools within VS.NET to help us (Find Renegades, etc.)

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Tools within VS.NET to help us (Find Renegades, etc.)

Post by neal007 » Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:07 am

We battle with Renegades far too often and we're not sure why. We've been in touch with you about it, we've checked everything, it happens.

Please consider adding tools to VS.NET's integration that would help us find critical items such as Renegades. I don't want to have to use the Search feature in the Vault Client and click around in folders to find these things. I'd rather have this available to me within my solution and have Vault tell me, of the files in my solution, what are in renegade.

I'm the team lead and handle the production builds, etc. We have a solution with numerous projects, folders, files. I can't find a file in renegade visually with so many things in the solution explorer. I need to be able to run a command from Vault that would give me a list of files in Renegade. I don't want a situation where we have stale code, a bug not fixed, because I do a get latest (automatic merge) and everything compiles fine, I ship, then find out I have a renegade in my solution.

I consider this item a show stopper "blocker" that we really need your help with your integration to solve. Please consider implementing in the upcoming v6 release.

Thank you.
Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.

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Re: Tools within VS.NET to help us (Find Renegades, etc.)

Post by lbauer » Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:32 pm

We have feature request 14660 logged for this functionality; I'll add your vote.

It will be evaluated for an future release of Vault.

In the meantime, you could consider using CVS mode, which uses Edit-Merge-Commit. Any modified file in the working folder has a status of Edited, and is listed in the Pending Change set.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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